Generative Shape Design: Using the Circle Sweep in CATIA V5

Learn how to use the circle sweep to make anything from hose routing to wire paths in a pretty easy fashion. The hardest part of this is going to be defining that path. If you’re lucky enough to have points to control where your path and bends are, great. If not, you may have some legwork ahead of you to define that. Watch this short video to learn more.

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Generative Shape Design: Using the Cylinder Command
Generative Shape Design: Using the Cylinder Command

Today we’re going to delve into the cylinder command. We need to start off with a point, so you’ll need to ...

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Creating Sheetmetal Walls in Creo Parametric 8.0
Creating Sheetmetal Walls in Creo Parametric 8.0

In this webcast John Carlson discusses: - Wall types available for creating Sheetmetal parts in Creo 8.0 - ...