Using Teams to Manage Custom PLM Training Projects (Adding the SharePoint App)

This blog is part of the “Using Teams to Manage Custom PLM Training Projects” blog series. It discusses adding the SharePoint app to a Teams channel tab. The SharePoint app provides you with quick access to SharePoint pages such as News, Lists, or Libraries directly from a Teams channel. 

Detailed below are the steps on adding the SharePoint app to a channel tab. If you would like to view the other blogs in the series, you can access them via the following links. As each blog is released, they will be available here: 

How To: Add the SharePoint App 

  1. At the top of a channel, select the plus sign (+). 

  1. Select the SharePoint app, as shown in the image below. 

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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  1. Select Pages, as shown in the image below. Note that you can also select Any SharePoint site and then specify the URL to the site. 
    A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Select the News page, as shown in the image below, to share the PLM Custom Training SharePoint site’s News posts. Note that you can also choose to share specific news post pages (e.g., April Project Update, as shown in the image), lists, or document libraries. 
    A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Click Save, as shown in the image below. 
    A screenshot of a computer

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  1. The new News tab is added showing sample SharePoint News from the PLM Custom Training Team/SharePoint site, as shown in the image below. 

A screenshot of a web page

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  1. Select the title of the News post (e.g., May Project Update) to view and edit the content, as necessary. The page displays as shown in the image below. Use the Edit icon to edit the page and the Update news button when you are finished editing to update the SharePoint page so that others can see your edits. Note the other options available, such as Discard changes, Send to, Promote, Page details, Immersive Reader, and Analytics. I encourage you to explore these options.